
autumn plans

My Autumn Plans.

12th October 2017

Here I am again, talking about Autumn. Apologies if you aren't a fan of this season, but as I've mentioned before this is my favourite time of year. In fact, I am trying to make the most of these months by planning some activities that will help me get into the spirit of things. So [...] Read More
autumn makeup updates - how i'm changing up my makeup this fall

Autumn Makeup Updates.

4th October 2017

You might be able to tell from my Instagram, Twitter and even my October Goals post that I really like Autumn. It's my favourite season, so I try to incorporate 'Autumnalness' into as many aspects of my life as possible! I've been changing up the beauty products I use over the past few weeks, so today I thought [...] Read More
autumn halloween interiors decor bedroom

My Autumn & Halloween Decor

25th October 2016

Autumnal Updates I love Autumn. It's no secret. It is by far my favourite season and after spending a year in Canada (where they go crazy for Fall decor) I knew I had to give my own little flat a few Autumnal and Halloween updates. Now as much as I wished that I lived in my own [...] Read More
enchanted forest pitlochry

The Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry

22nd October 2016

My boyfriend and I took a trip up north to visit The Enchanted Forest in Pitlochry last weekend - an event that takes place every year for the month of October. I hadn't actually heard about it before this year, but after seeing a video of the event on Facebook I was totally sold. The event [...] Read More
autumn style over the knee boots

Autumnal Outerwear

10th October 2016

Hello October Autumn is by far my favourite season. I love it for all the obvious reasons - the changing colours, cosier evenings, the clothes - but I also love it because it signals new beginnings to me more than any other time of year. Perhaps it's because it is the time of year when Uni starts [...] Read More

Rose gold eyes & plum lips

10th November 2015

I have been really getting into make-up again recently – I don’t know what it is but i’ve just been really enjoying experimenting with different looks. One of my favourites has been using warm, reddish eyeshadow with the Charlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita Palette. I think these sort of shades suit my super dark eye colour […]

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A little Lush haul

21st October 2015

When it gets to this time of year I love having cosy, chilled out nights where I light a few candles and watch Netflix in the bath. But what is missing from this image? A Lush bath bomb of course. I hadn’t been to Lush for quite a long time but after seeing a plethora […]

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Fall at Bath and Body Works

19th October 2015

So I have to say, one of the best things about living in Canada is that I have easy access to that old blogger favourite, Bath and Body Works. Before moving here, the only time I had experienced BBW was in fact in Bangkok, Thailand. There is a store in one of the huge malls […]

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