
September Goals 2018.

9th September 2018

Well hello there September. I am, of course, writing this post when we are already well into the new month but let's just ignore that shall we? I am here with another monthly goals post and the first of autumn 2018! Autumn is my favourite season, which you would know if you are a long-term [...] Read More
june goals

June Goals 2018.

2nd June 2018

Hello June! After what seemed like the fastest May ever, we are now well and truly into Summer. So, of course, with a new month comes new goals - and I am actually very excited about the month of June. May was an absolute whirlwind, because for the majority of it I was preparing for job interviews [...] Read More
May goals 2018

May Goals 2018.

4th May 2018

Well hello there May, you creeped up on us quick didn't you? Not that I'm complaining - bring on the milder weather and spring blooms! A new month means new goals, so I am back again with my May goals 2018. After skipping April, I'm ready to get back on track with goal-setting and getting [...] Read More
March Goals 2018

March Goals 2018.

7th March 2018

Here we are with another monthly goals post! This time it's March Goals 2018 - we are almost a quarter of the way through the year guys. I'm looking forward to this month a lot, mostly because I have a holiday to Spain planned, but also because we should (if the snow stays away) be [...] Read More
february goals 2018

February Goals 2018.

1st February 2018

Well, we did it guys. We made it to the end of January! My god, that was a long month wasn't it? I for one am glad it is all over with and so I take great pleasure in sharing my February goals 2018 edition today. I actually did this type of post for the [...] Read More
October goals - my plans and aims for this month

October Goals.

1st October 2017

Well, hello October! I for one could not be happier that we are now well into Autumn and (in my opinion) one of the best months of the year. So I'm going to be sharing with you my October goals, as I do every month! I am honestly so excited for the month ahead - [...] Read More
september goals

September Goals.

3rd September 2017

It's finally September! I know the normal thing to say at the start of every month is 'oh my, how is this year going so fast!' etc, etc.. but I feel like I've been waiting for the end of summer for so long. We are moving into Autumn (my favourite season!) and I feel like [...] Read More
mid year goals

Mid-Year Goals.

4th July 2017

So we are now well into the half-way point in the year and to be honest I'm pretty excited about the rest of 2017! I know everyone has said time is going so quickly, which it is, but now I'm finished University I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I [...] Read More
may goals - plans for the month of may

May Goals

5th May 2017

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my May Goals - a little run down of my aims & plans for the month ahead. I have taken to doing one of these every month (although I missed out April!) and I think they'll be quite nice to look back on. I'm a little bit [...] Read More