September Goals 2018.

Well hello there September. I am, of course, writing this post when we are already well into the new month but let’s just ignore that shall we? I am here with another monthly goals post and the first of autumn 2018!

Autumn is my favourite season, which you would know if you are a long-term follower of this blog. I just love the cosiness of autumn – how everything just seems to get a bit slower and more chilled out. This year I have had the busiest, craziest summer and so I am totally ready to hibernate.

So without further ado, I’ll get going with my goals for the month of September!

Take my blog in a new direction

I feel like almost every month for the past 6 months or so I’ve put ‘get back on track with blogging’ on my list of goals. I’m not going to lie, I’ve struggled a lot with finding the motivation to do blogging, Instagram and everything else that comes with this. I’ve been in a very long-term creative rut, which I’m hoping is coming to an end.

In 2018 I’ve had some major life changes and I’ve been using the excuse of ‘getting settled’ and ‘I have no time’ for quite a while now. To be honest, I have very little time, but I don’t want that to stop me from doing what I love – and I do still love blogging.

However, I’ve come to realise that I need to change my attitude towards it a bit. I need to use this as a true creative outlet – as a way to challenge myself to create really great content. Whereas for the past year, really since I moved to London, it’s been more about getting content up when I can and avoiding projects that would use up too much of my time. In other words – I’ve not been doing my absolute best.

So now is the time to change that. If that means I don’t get content up regularly, then so be it. I’d rather have 1 amazing post a month than 4 generic ones. It also means I need to stop comparing myself to others and feeling like I have to do things a certain way because that’s what everyone else does.

It’s going to take a bit of soul-searching and a hell of a lot of planning, but I’m hoping that next month I’ll be in a better place when it comes to blogging than I am now. Watch this space!

Read: The Future of Sartorial Scot 

Work on self-care

As I mentioned previously, I’ve had quite a busy summer. Between starting a new job, having visitors to stay and just generally having a better social life than I’ve ever had before (lol yes, grandma no more!), there just hasn’t been the time to properly take care of myself.

I’ve been dealing with quite a bad flare up of IBS, which I’ve had for years now, probably because of all the drinking and eating amazing (but unhealthy) food this summer. So now that the weather is changing and everything is getting a bit more chilled out, it seems like the best opportunity to take a step back and make sure I’m doing the right things to mitigate those symptoms.

That means reducing stress, eating better and moving more. It also means really cutting back on alcohol, no matter how fun it is to finish off a working week with a gin (or, like 5). The plan is that by October I’ll be feeling a lot better and healthier!

Read: 5 simple ways to practice self-care

Create a capsule wardrobe for Autumn

This is something I’ve considered doing for quite some time, but given the fact that I love shopping, I’ve put it off. However, I think it’s a good idea to take more care when it comes to what I buy. I always get up in the mornings and have a bit of a ‘I have nothing to wear’ freak out, despite the fact that my wardrobe is filled with stuff. So by planning out my wardrobe and what key pieces I need, I should be able to mitigate that.

I’m not going to stick to any strict rules about it – I know I wouldn’t be able to do that even if I tried. But I’m going to assess what I have, what I need and plan exactly what I need to buy. No boredom-induced shopping sprees on ASOS or impulse buys when a discount comes on.

I’m going to start with the first phase this weekend – clearing out things I don’t wear, swapping over seasonal items and making a list of what I need. Let me know if you’d like me to blog about the process – although I am planning on posting about it over on my Instagram stories!

So that is it for my September goals this year! Let me know what you’d like to achieve this month – I’d love to hear it. September definitely has a bit of a back-to-school, rebirth vibe to it (even though I grew up in Scotland and we go back to school in August!). So I’m hoping to replicate that in my own life and achieve some good things in the 2nd half of this year.


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