Here we are with another monthly goals post! This time it’s March Goals 2018 – we are almost a quarter of the way through the year guys. I’m looking forward to this month a lot, mostly because I have a holiday to Spain planned, but also because we should (if the snow stays away) be getting more Spring weather.
I’m going to be continuing with the same format of my last two goals posts – telling you my main, overall goals and then breaking down how I’m going to go about achieving them. I personally find this more useful as a reference for myself and a lot of you seem to like it too, so it’s staying for now!
Focus On Health
One of my main goals this month is to improve my overall health. I mean this in terms of fitness and diet but also just trying to improve my wellbeing overall. Since moving to London, I’ve been a lot more sickly. I guess it’s all the close proximity to other people on public transport (in Glasgow I almost never used public transport!) but it’s getting a bit annoying to feel unwell all the time!
But more than anything, I’d like to improve my fitness. I feel like this is something I’ve half-heartedly committed to since having knee surgery all the way back in 2016, but I’ve never stuck to it enough. I have no excuses now – I’m settled in London, I have a gym membership. It’s about time. I’d like to get back to the level I was at pre-surgery, so it’s going to take some time, but I think the benefit I’ll get from it will be worth the hard work.
How I’m going to achieve this:
- Try my hardest to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week, even if it’s only for a half hour at a time.
- Eat well for most meals – especially breakfast and lunch during the week. Rushing in the mornings to get to work means I tend to choose unhealthy, quick options for breakfast and run out of time to prep lunch. If I can change just these two meals during the week, I think I’d be a lot healthier.
- Look into taking some vitamins and supplements to help my immune system. Any recommendations here would be appreciated! I just seem to always come down with colds and virus-type illnesses every few weeks.
- Make an effort to be healthier, but don’t become overly-controlling with food. This is something I’ve struggled with in the past, so I don’t want to repeat it. I’m going to eat when I’m hungry, but just eat things that are better for me.
Spring Cleaning
Now that we’re coming into Spring – well, hopefully some time soon we are – I want to have a good clear out. I want to be quite ruthless with my wardrobe, getting rid of anything that I haven’t worn for a really long time and switching out my heavy winter clothing for lighter Spring pieces.
Another thing I’ve been meaning to do for ages is clear out my dressing table. I know it looks all pretty on Instagram, but trust me those drawers are a mess on the inside! I need to get rid of lots of old makeup (I’m talking 3-4 year old foundations here) and come up with a better way to organise it all.
How I’m going to do this:
- Clear out my entire dressing table, throwing out makeup that has gone off or that I never use anymore. Reorganise each drawer so that everything is tidier and easy to find.
- Go through my wardrobe and analyse what exactly I want to keep and what I haven’t worn for years. Put heavy winter clothing into vac packs and store until next season.
- Get around to doing household jobs that have been neglected for a long time. E.g putting up hanging plant pots, ordering frames for prints that have been lying around for months.
Up My Blog Game
While I’ve been posting pretty regularly over the past few months, I feel like I haven’t been able to dedicate myself to blogging etc as much as I’d like. Writing posts and taking photos are one thing, but there is so much more that goes into running a blog that actually takes up a lot more time.
For example, making sure all my social channels are regularly updated. But then on top of that, engaging with other people on there in real time. Then there’s looking at tactics to increase traffic to this site – things like making sure Pinterest is updated with all my posts. There is so much to do, it really is like a full-time job. I don’t know how other people who work 9-5 alongside blogging do it, because I am definitely struggling!
But with all that being said, I would like to make more of an effort to fit things in. So I’m planning on doing the following things to pick things up a bit:
- Make weekly plans for what tasks I can fit in on weekdays. I have a limited amount of time in the evenings, so I’ll have to be quite prepared to make things work.
- Instead of idly scrolling on social media, make more of an effort to reply to posts and start conversations with people. I can be a bit shy online at times, so I think I’ll find this the most challenging, but it’ll be good to get out of my comfort zone.
- Schedule things further in advance. If I could free up some of the time I would normally spend writing or scheduling tweets, then I think I’d get a lot more done! So I’m planning on writing/photographing posts in longer sessions, so that I can maybe get 2-3 posts done in one sitting. I’ve also invested in the premium Buffer subscription, so I can now schedule tweets for a whole week in advance instead of on the day!
So those are my March goals 2018! This month’s goals are a bit shorter than usual, because to be honest I’m still working on a lot of the stuff I set out in my February goals post. I want to keep writing, working on the side hustle and focusing on learning in March too.
Let me know what you want to achieve this month – I’d love to hear about other people’s goals!