
Kitchen wish list - kitchen appliances and homeware that I am lusting after!

Kitchen Wish List

21st April 2017

I now have just over 2 months until I leave my flat here in Glasgow and move to London! So with me being the interiors addict that I am, I've been looking out for some new homeware pieces already. One area I'd like to invest in is our kitchen - I love to cook, so I [...] Read More
january wishlist, fashion, style, shopping

January Payday Wishlist

29th January 2017

I for one am going to be very glad to see the back of January - it has been the most horrible month for me! Between the cold weather and the monotonous work on my dissertation, I have just not been feeling this first month of 2017. However, I have been getting excited thinking about the [...] Read More
boxing day sales codes edit

The Boxing Day Sales Edit

26th December 2016

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas (and that your heads aren't too sore today!) and are enjoying just chilling out this Boxing Day. I'm definitely a pyjamas & leftovers type of boxing day person so one of my traditions is to shop the sales directly from my bed. Boxing Day Sales can [...] Read More

What to buy your boyfriend for Christmas

7th December 2015

  Because they are just so damn hard to buy for, right? I asked both Max and my brother Scott for some advice for this little gift guide and well I can’t say that they were a huge help. When I asked Max he simply told me that boys like to get “useful things” for […]

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The Rose Gold Gift Guide

26th November 2015

So it’s safe to say that the blogging community has had a pretty huge obsession with everything rose gold or copper in recent times and I am no exception. It’s just so pretty isn’t it?! However I know that this obsession isn’t just limited to us bloggers and that most girls would love to receive […]

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