I moved out from my parents house into student halls this year and let’s be honest, student accommodation isn’t the nicest place to stay! However, I’ve tried to make my room a bit more homely and add a touch of personality to it.
I’ve seen a few pictures of people stacking magazines in their bedrooms and really liked the idea. I have so many fashion magazines piling up in my room back home so I only took a few to university. I store my perfumes on top of them and I think it looks quite pinterest-esque. The flowers are a birthday gift from my dad but they really brighten up the room. As for the candle, I’m a blogger. Of course I have candles.
This is my little windowsill which it probably the main point of decoration in my room. And yes, that is a milk carton which I have turned into a vase. Student life.
The flowers are a nice way to cheer up an otherwise blank space (and Aldi flowers are very affordable!). I brought a few things from my old room like the little Eiffel Tower and my owl bookends to give a more quirky feel. Also, I study French so there had to be a touch of Paris in my room!
I also brought some of my favourite books with me to university. The mask is from my Christmas ball which was a masquerade, but I like the way it looks in my room.
And of course, no university room is complete without a picture wall.
This part isn’t quite finished yet, but I’ve started a little fashion collage wall above my bed. I just cut up some old magazines and I think it’s quite effective.
This is just my bedside table, which I brought with me to halls. Can you sense that I like flowers quite a lot?
Oh and the cardinal rule of a student bedroom. Fairy lights..
Lots and lots of fairy lights.