
Alternative Christmas gift guide

The Alternative Christmas Gift Guide.

5th December 2017

When I was thinking about creating a Christmas gift guide this year, I wanted to do something a bit different. When it comes to gift giving, I always like to think of ideas that are a bit out of the ordinary. I can't profess to being the most creative person ever, but I try to [...] Read More
boxing day sales codes edit

The Boxing Day Sales Edit

26th December 2016

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas (and that your heads aren't too sore today!) and are enjoying just chilling out this Boxing Day. I'm definitely a pyjamas & leftovers type of boxing day person so one of my traditions is to shop the sales directly from my bed. Boxing Day Sales can [...] Read More

The ‘Naked’ Makeup

31st March 2013

Sorry for my absence of late, it’s been a crazy few weeks trying to get coursework done! However I am back, and here to show you all this make-up look I’ve been wearing a lot recently.. Nowadays in the beauty world the word ‘naked’ attached to any product just seems to make us all go […]

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The Autumn Lip Edit

18th October 2012

Just btw.. I love a bold lip. Especially a vampy, dark bold lip. Therefore, the arrival of Autumn is very exciting for me, as I can whip out some of my favourite lip products that are put away during the warmer (well, kinda warmer) months. So I have compiled an edited list of 5 lipsticks […]

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