
advice for graduates

Advice for recent graduates.

31st July 2018

It has now been a year since I officially graduated from University - although to be honest, it feels like a lifetime ago that I was a student! But I feel like I have a lot of wisdom to share to all the uni leavers out there, so today I'm going to be giving my [...] Read More
How I am managing and reducing stress

4 ways I’m managing & reducing stress.

23rd November 2017

In my previous post about my first impressions of living in London, I mentioned that I've been finding life here pretty stressful. City life isn't exactly chilled-out and it can get a bit overwhelming at times. But after 4 months of living here, I've developed a few habits that have helped me with managing and [...] Read More
how to go to the maldives for less, maldives on a budget

How to Book a Trip to the Maldives for Less

13th June 2017

Today I'm going to be talking about how to book a trip to the Maldives for less - because it turns out that it isn't quite as expensive as you might think! My mum and I managed to book our trip for a very good price, so I thought I'd share the tips and tricks that I've [...] Read More
how to design your own blog, blog design tips

How to Design Your Own Blog

19th January 2017

Last year I gave my blog a complete overhaul. Previously, it was on blogger and the design itself was pretty basic. I wanted to make my blog look both professional and visually attractive - but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on it. As much as I'd love to hire a web [...] Read More
how to be a morning person. tips and tricks for learning to love waking up early and enjoying the morning

How to be a Morning Person

22nd November 2016

How to enjoy your mornings A few weeks ago a friend asked me how I manage to wake up so early everyday and actually enjoy it - which is what gave me the idea for this post. I am a self-confessed morning person and I truly believe that waking up earlier improves my productivity and overall wellbeing. [...] Read More

My Budget Dressing Table

10th December 2015

So I thought I’d share today a little bit about my make-shift dressing table that I set up for myself here in my apartment in Canada. My apartment didn’t come with a desk or anything like that in my room so I didn’t have anywhere sit and get ready in the morning or keep my […]

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What to buy your boyfriend for Christmas

7th December 2015

  Because they are just so damn hard to buy for, right? I asked both Max and my brother Scott for some advice for this little gift guide and well I can’t say that they were a huge help. When I asked Max he simply told me that boys like to get “useful things” for […]

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The Rose Gold Gift Guide

26th November 2015

So it’s safe to say that the blogging community has had a pretty huge obsession with everything rose gold or copper in recent times and I am no exception. It’s just so pretty isn’t it?! However I know that this obsession isn’t just limited to us bloggers and that most girls would love to receive […]

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ADVICE: Long Distance Relationships

7th November 2015

For those of you who don’t know, I am currently living in Canada for my exchange year at university and my boyfriend is back in Scotland completing his degree. Since moving out here, I am constantly being posed with the question: “Is it hard?”. For context – this isn’t the first time that we’ve had […]

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