So, I have a little bit of news to share with you today. As you can probably tell from the title of this post, my boyfriend and I are moving to London! It all got confirmed a few weeks ago, so I thought I would have a little chat about it today.
Max has been offered a really amazing job, which starts in the summer, so we have decided to make the move down together. It is of course very exciting, but also rather terrifying for me to move to London. The cost of living, the uncertainty of getting a job, not knowing anyone… This is what has been going through my head for the past few weeks!
I still have to finish my degree and go through graduation etc. so I won’t be going down to London until July. So I have a little bit of time to plan before it all happens. We have to decide upon where to live first of all, which is rather confusing when there are SO many areas in London!
One of my biggest worries is trying to get a job when I’m there. I don’t have any grad jobs lined up, so it’s going to be a case of moving there and trying to get something at entry-level. I know how competitive my industry is (marketing, PR, digital) so it is feeling rather daunting at the moment.
All my worries aside, I am looking forward to the move. It’s a fresh start in a new city and that is exciting! I’m hoping that I’ll get to meet lots of new people and be able to have opportunities that just wouldn’t be possible up North.
If you live, or have lived, in London I would love to hear any advice you can give to a Scottish gal who has no clue about it. Any recommendations for areas to live, job hunting tips, general life tips! I am wanting to get as much information as possible before we make the move so that we can avoid any ill-informed or impulse decisions.
So, that was my little bit of news. I still can’t quite believe that we are moving to London in just over 3 months! Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly (and that we aren’t living off of beans on toast for the entirety of our stay…).
Again, I would love to hear any advice that anyone has. I am a clueless Scottish gal who does not know much about our capital city!