
Contiki The Powder Rush Tour

12th April 2016

Back in February, I went on a trip with Contiki to the west of Canada including Vancouver, Whistler & Banff. It was the most incredible experience, so I wanted to share my thoughts on it as I would have loved to know a bit more about the whole Contiki experience before going! To give a [...] Read More

Hotel de Glace, Quebec

5th April 2016

Step inside... Back in January, my boyfriend and I took a very special trip up to Quebec City to visit the Hotel de Glace - the only ice hotel in North America. While I realise it is now Spring (not quite in Montréal, it's forecast to snow this week!) I couldn't resist sharing these photos [...] Read More

5 things I miss about the UK

24th November 2015

Oh hey look at a long-haired and very blonde me around 2 years ago! This was one of the only photos I could find of me being a proper British tourist (at Edinburgh Castle) and I thought it would suit this post quite well. Today I’m talking about what I miss about the UK. If […]

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