
My Budget Dressing Table

10th December 2015

So I thought I’d share today a little bit about my make-shift dressing table that I set up for myself here in my apartment in Canada. My apartment didn’t come with a desk or anything like that in my room so I didn’t have anywhere sit and get ready in the morning or keep my […]

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5 things I miss about the UK

24th November 2015

Oh hey look at a long-haired and very blonde me around 2 years ago! This was one of the only photos I could find of me being a proper British tourist (at Edinburgh Castle) and I thought it would suit this post quite well. Today I’m talking about what I miss about the UK. If […]

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ADVICE: Long Distance Relationships

7th November 2015

For those of you who don’t know, I am currently living in Canada for my exchange year at university and my boyfriend is back in Scotland completing his degree. Since moving out here, I am constantly being posed with the question: “Is it hard?”. For context – this isn’t the first time that we’ve had […]

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Student Room Decor Tips

14th February 2014

I moved out from my parents house into student halls this year and let’s be honest, student accommodation isn’t the nicest place to stay! However, I’ve tried to make my room a bit more homely and add a touch of personality to it. I’ve seen a few pictures of people stacking magazines in their bedrooms […]

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