Well hello there 2018! I would prattle on about how I can’t believe it’s come around so soon etc etc.. but to be honest I am quite happy that it’s the New Year. I’m ready to start afresh and focus on what I want to do over the next 12 months. So I’m going to share my 2018 goals with you all today and also how I plan to achieve them.
I mentioned in my post about how I’m reducing stress that I had been to a wellbeing class at work and one thing I had really taken from it was that we always have choices. If we want something to happen, or things to change in our lives, we have to make the decisions and actions to make these things come to fruition.
So that is why this year I am not only setting goals, but also setting out the steps that I have to take to make those things happen. I’m hoping it will keep me on track but also help me to make more realistic aims!
Get to a better place with my health.
I know that the classic New Year’s resolution is to get back in the gym, eat healthier etc etc.. but I really do want to be more focused on my health this year. I’m not talking about diets or anything like that – I just want to be more aware of what I’m doing to my body.
So in order to do this, I’ve set out the following steps:
– Participate in Dry January. No drinking of alcohol for a full month, which will allow me to detox from the indulgences of Christmas and also avoid lazy hungover days.
– Sign up to the 30 day introductory deal at the yoga studio across from my work. I want to start the New Year feeling good about myself and having the studio literally across the street from the office means there’s no excuses for not going!
– Arrange to see a Chiropractor. I’ve been having issues with my back since I started working in an office and I’d like to sort it out before the problems get worse.
– Be more organised with meals. Plan out food for the week, including lunches, to allow myself more control over what I eat. This means giving up the Pret croissants and baguettes at work!
– Devise a work-out plan that is achievable. I’d like to go to the gym 3 times a week and set up a simple exercise plan for myself, as I think that having some sort of structure to it will motivate me to go more.
[shopr_shopthepost collection=”the-sales-edit” title=”January Sales Edit”]
Generate more income from my ‘side hustle’
In 2017, one of my biggest achievements was starting to make money from my blog, Instagram and freelance work. I haven’t made a lot of money, but a pretty decent amount considering that I’ve only really been taking this whole blogging thing seriously for just over a year.
However, in 2018 I want to really focus on increasing this income. I live in London now, so money is quite tight and to be honest having those extra pennies would help a lot with savings. But also I’d like to just really give this more effort so that I can see where it can potentially go – I doubt I’ll be a full time blogger before the end of the year, but I want to see if freelance/blogging has the potential to become a career for me.
The steps I’m going to take:
– Set up a website for my freelance services. I’ve done a bit of freelancing on the side before, but only when I’ve been approached by brands themselves. So I want to put myself out there and launch an online site for my freelance business. I have a name and some ideas sorted, but I think it’ll be a little while before it’s all ready. Watch this space!
– Make more effort with affiliate links. I’m not gonna lie, I can be a bit lazy when it comes to affiliates. It takes a long time to look everything up and sometimes I just forget to be honest! But I want to put more effort in this year to share items with affiliate links and hopefully generate a bit more revenue that way.
– Start approaching brands. The idea of this does scare me a bit, but I know that it can be really effective to approach brands yourself rather than waiting for them to approach you. I feel like I’ll have to work up to this one a bit, but I’m determined to do it!
– Create a media pack. Yeah I know, how have I been doing blogging this long and not have a media pack. But somehow it’s just always got pushed to the end of my to-do list! So I’m planning on creating one at some point in January, so that I’m fully prepared when approaching brands for work.
[shopr_shopthepost collection=”new-season-fashion-edit” title=”New Season Edit”]
Focus on friendships
A more personal goal for me this year is to really put more time and effort into my friendships. I’ve spoken before on here about how since moving to London I’ve not really had the opportunity to make any new friends, other than people I work with. There has also been a lot of times where I’ve meant to meet up with people here, but I’ve been that the plans just never really materialise.
However I want 2018 to be different. I want to make the effort, whether I’m busy or tired or whatever, to meet up with people. When I say ‘we should get a coffee sometime’ to someone, I’m then going to set up a date and time when we can get that coffee.
The steps I’m going to take:
– Reach out to people. There has been so many times I’ve started to type a message on Instagram to people (normally bloggers!) who I’d like to meet up with and then deleted it. It’s so silly, but I get so nervous about it and scared that I’ll come off looking desperate. But I’m forgetting that for 2018 – I’m finally going to reach out to people and make that first step towards friendship.
– Reconnect. I want to make more of an effort to keep in touch with old friends, even if it’s just a message on WhatsApp or a phone call from time to time. It’s hard when everyone lives so far apart, but I think it’s important to keep in touch.
So those are my 2018 goals. I wanted to keep it quite simple this year – 3 main goals that I want to focus on, that I consider to be the most important. Of course there are other little things I’d like to aim for this year, but to be honest making a big list of all the things I want to change about myself isn’t going to help. I’m never going to keep to all the resolutions anyway!
I’d love to hear what you think about making yearly goals – do you think it helps? If so, what are your main goals for 2018?