Last month, I set out some goals and plans for the month. I quite liked sharing that here on my blog, so I thought I’d do the same for my March Goals! I really enjoy reading these posts – I’ve already read some really interesting ones this week. I think it makes me inspired and excited for the month ahead!
So to summarise my goals for last month, I basically wanted to get back into the gym, get out a bit more and to work on YouTube. The first two I feel like I’ve progressed with, but YouTube has been left on the back burner a little bit.
This month I’m wanting to move on with some of these goals, but I also have a few newer ones too. March is the first month of Spring so I feel a bit more excited and invigorated to achieve things!
Eat well 80% of the time
I have already been trying to eat a bit better recently, but I want to kick this up a notch in March. I say 80%, because I will need that 20% of the time to eat all the pizza, burgers and desserts. Balance is key, right?
I’ve been really enjoying making some of The Body Coach’s recipes from his book and also from his Instagram. Honestly, every one I’ve tried has been SO good. I’m always on the look out for more healthy ideas though, so if anyone has recommendations for books/anything that would be great!
Get serious at the gym
Last month I started to go back to the gym and get into some exercise classes. I feel more confident now that my knee is fully healed, so I just have to work on making it stronger now!
I’ve actually just signed up to some personal training sessions – they start next week! I realise that PT is quite an expensive way to get my fitness back, but I kind of feel like I need that professional support. I’m getting over a knee injury, so I don’t want to do any more damage to it!
Hopefully by next month I’ll be able to see some results. I have to say, I am really excited to get started!
Read more, seriously this time!
Back in my 2017 Goals post I said that I wanted to read more this year. 12 books in 1 year. Well… I’m not doing very well so far! It’s so bad, but I’m on the same book I was in January. I’m a little ashamed admitting that.
I want to get into the routine of reading my book when I have some spare time instead of watching Netflix or whatever. I know that it will actually relax me more, but I guess it’s just getting into the habit of doing it.
I have a whole pile of books that I want to read, so I’m gonna set a bit of an ambitious goal of reading 2 books this month. There I said it – so now I have to keep to it!
Make 2 YouTube videos a week
Last month I said I wanted to focus more on my YouTube channel (subscribe here!). I’ve not quite made the progress I’ve wanted to, but I have posted a few new videos over the past week! My plan is to keep to a schedule of 2 videos a week and really try to stick to that.
I want to incorporate more lifestyle type things into my videos, because to be honest I am not really that into makeup videos. I love hauls and morning/evening routines, but I don’t honestly watch a lot of makeup tutorials. So I’m going to move away from that a bit and focus on fashion/lifestyle with a little bit of beauty!
I’d love to know what videos you like watching (if any!) on YouTube. I love hauls and vlogs the best, but I’d be interested to hear what other people prefer watching. I can get stuck in a rut with video ideas, so it might inspire me a little!
Work hard
March is a busy month for me Uni-wise – I have my French dissertation and 2 other assignments all due in the same week at the end of the month. So there is gonna be a lot of time spent in the library!
But I also want to keep up with blogging and YouTube too, so it’s going to be a very busy month. I’m going to have a bit more chill time in April, so hopefully it will all seem worth it in the end!
So those are my March Goals! I am looking forward to this month, even though it’s going to be very busy. I’m hoping for more Spring-like weather, especially after this freezing cold February!
Do you have any goals for this month?